What is a Fighting Rifle?
A Fighting Rifle is a rifle that will work every single time it is called upon, regardless of the circumstance or situation, 99.9% of the time. This is a rifle that you can bet your life with on, without reservation. As the Mike Mihalski quote says on our front page, Priority #1 for a Fighting Rifle is, “The f*%#ing thing must work.”
What is a Fighting Rifle Inspection?
I know what you’re thinking. Why should I pay you to inspect my rifle, when I’ve never had a problem with it? Well, allow me to answer with a question of my own. Would you ever buy a house, without a home inspection? I would argue that most people would never think of buying a house (that isn’t new construction) without having that house inspected first. A home inspection provides clarity and peace of mind. If there are problems, you know what you are getting yourself into, and if there are no problems, you get the peace of mind of an experts opinion.
The Fighting Rifle Inspection is like a home inspection. As someone that specializes in what makes an AR-15’s run, I will evaluate your rifle, and either give you the peace of mind that your rifle will run just fine, or I can help identify issues before 911 is on the other end of the phone, determining if they should send the Police, or the Coroner.
Our 39 point Fighting Rifle Inspection is designed to evaluate multiple areas of your gun and provide a better understanding of your gun, and any potential weaknesses in your gun. We’ll evaluate the overall setup and potential function of the gun. AR’s are simple machines that relay on complex timing to function properly and reliably, in any situation or condition. How is your overall build quality? If you bought your gun, did you get a Tuesday at 10 am gun, or a Friday at 4:30 pm gun? If you built your own gun, how did you do? Are there any areas that you might want to upgrade? Are there any issues, or potential issues brewing with your gun? We’ll address the issues and any potential points of failure, as well as letting you know what to watch out for in the future. We’ll provide information about your gun, so you have a better understanding of your weapon.
Specific services included in our inspection:
Headspace check
Wear part evaluation
Overall build quality
Evaluation of assembly techniques and procedures
And many others
Why should I get my rifle inspected?
If it seems that there are more AR-15 brands available than there are stars in the sky, I don’t think you’re far off. The AR-15 is by far the most popular rifle in America and probably the most popular gun, period. To that end, there are a lot of good quality AR’s available and there are a lot of AR’s that are quite frankly cheaply made and prone to failure. Now don’t get me wrong, cheap AR’s have a place in the market too. The problem is that many times cheap AR’s are sold to be “just as good”.
If I were to ask 10 people on the street, is there such a thing as free lunch, I’m guessing it would go 10/10, that there is no such thing as a free lunch. However, when it comes to AR’s, many people seem to think that you do indeed get a free lunch. I hate to tell you, but that isn’t the case. As with everything else in life, you get what you pay for. There absolutely is a difference between that $400 AR and the $1,400 AR. Yes, a $400 AR will generally work, and you can go out and have fun with it. The key thing there, is have fun with it. Before you put bet your life on your rifle, let us check it out and make sure that your faith is well placed.
I built my rifle myself, I know what I’m doing.
Awesome! We love folks that can assemble their own AR-15. But what training did you have before you built it? When it comes to a fighting rifle, both the materials and techniques used are critical to ensure that the gun goes bang, every, single, time. The AR-15 is the most popular rifle in America today. And for good reason. But with that scale, comes those that only care about the money. There is no AR-15 Czar that ensures that only good quality parts are available for sale. The Technical Data Package for the gun (the instruction manual for assembly) is still owned by Colt, and they aren’t too keen on sharing it publicly. All too often I hear people say, “AR-15’s are like Lego’s”. They seem like they are Lego’s, but tolerance stacking doesn’t care about marketing phrases invented by suits, to sell you their parts. Car lots aren’t the only place with sleazy salesmen.
This is where we come in. We’ve invested the time to learn from AR-15 experts about the right materials and the right techniques. For just $30, you can essentially get a second opinion on your rifle. We are not in this to point out your flaws, we are here to help you learn, so you can have the rifle that you deserve and address any gaps in knowledge that might have existed. Our mission is simple; we want every single AR-15 owner to have the gun they believed that they already had. Let us provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing you truly can trust your AR with your life.
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Services we offer