Frequently asked questions
In short, Armorers can replace parts on your gun, Gunsmiths can fabricate parts for your gun. Gunsmiths are technical experts in the field, and are typically graduates of a certified gunsmithing school and hold the equivalent of an associate’s degree.
Armorer certifications can be broadly AR-15 platform based, or they can be manufacturer specific. Armorers typically undergo anywhere from 8-24 hours of training per class to become certified.
We are a Sons of Liberty Gun Works (SOLGW), certified armorer.
Check out this page!
No, we are not a certified repair shop for SOLGW. If something breaks on one of their guns, they want to know about it.
We are a brand new shop and as such we may not have the tools, knowledge, or experience to perform every job yet. We are passionate about learning the AR platform, and we are constantly looking to improve our skill level so we can offer additional services in the future. Bottom line, if we cannot offer you best in class service for a job, we won’t offer it.
Because they’re enhanced, silly!
Actually, these upgrades require a little more work, time, effort, or tools to perform correctly. In order to recoup our investment in the specialty tools, or the extra time it will take, we have to charge just a bit more than the Basic Upgrades.
No, unfortunately we do not. The time that it takes to inspect a rifle is the same, regardless if it’s one rifle or 10, so there isn’t any room for discount, because we will never sacrifice the quality of our product.
However, if you do have multiple rifles inspected, we might be able to help you out with any parts that you might purchase.
We may periodically offer discounts, but we work hard to provide a good value for all of our services. We want everyone to have a rifle that can rely on for the most serious uses, and we try to make that as financially affordable as we can.
Typically, we will inspect any direct/gas impingement AR-15. That said, if you have a Hodge, or a Knights Armament, or another top of the line AR, we probably aren’t going to mess around too much with those. We will not inspect any AR-10 7.62 x 54/.308 guns, nor will we inspect any piston AR guns. We just don’t have the tools or the knowledge to check those guns out.
If you have any questions or concerns if your gun is right for our Fighting Rifle Inspection, please reach out to us. We’d be happy to answer them.
No. If we were to purchase a rifle for you, that would be a strawman purchase and in violation of Federal law, and we have no interest in violating Federal law for anyone, let alone a stranger. Firearms purchases are governed by both Federal and State law, so please understand any Federal or Local restrictions before hiring us as your Personal Shopper. Personal shopping services are not available for prohibited persons. Any Personal Shopping agreement for a prohibited person, will be cancelled immediately, and is not eligible for a refund.
Unfortunately, the closest firing range that allows the best environment to conduct this type of work is an hour away from Chattanooga. The cost is due to the mileage and travel that will be incurred for the range visit.
The additional cost is not due to the Winter Balm itself, but rather due to the additional preparation work required to apply the grease correctly. Per the Cherry Balmz website, all operating surfaces of the gun must be degreased prior to application. While we won’t apply Cherry Balmz to all of these surfaces, they can cause the rifle to fail in conditions that will cause no issue for Winter Balm. For us to provide the same guarantee of function, we have to take extra steps to prepare the rifle. As we’ve mentioned elsewhere, if we can’t to it correctly, we won’t do it at all.